Better House Painters has been providing professional painting services to Palm Beach County and the surrounding areas for over 25 years. In that time, our Delray Beach painting contractors developed a reputation as the most trusted and reliable painting contractors in the area. And that’s not an accident.
We’ve consistently worked to provide every one of our clients with the most professional workmanship, highest quality products, and best customer service available. It’s our only goal to have a completely satisfied customer base, and we’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Whether you need interior painting, exterior painting, or any of the other services we provide, we’ll make sure you’re receiving the highest quality workmanship available. We understand the importance of a new paint job, so we’ll always take the work seriously.
Whether you’re having a single room repainted or you’re completely repainting your home, we’ll be ready to tackle it. We also understand that this work can be intrusive on your daily life, so we’ll work to get the job as done as quickly as possible. However, we’ll never sacrifice quality workmanship for a speedy job.